Last week, I was blessed to participate in the 5 Day Academy for Spiritual Formation. After each talk, we were asked to spend time in silent contemplation, usually with an assigned topic. But, one day, the assignment was to take some Sabbath time.; to "Be still and know I am God" (Ps. 46:10).
Know what I did? I took a nap.
Always before, I had understood those words to mean stop, take time to be in God's presence. But on this day, I had a new understanding. I heard God saying, "Be still and know that I am still God even when you are resting. I am still God and you are not God. I will be here when you wake up, and I've got this."
Knowing God is God is more than coming into God's presence. It is about trusting God to be God.
Guess what? When I woke up, neither the world nor my church had fallen apart. Go figure.